Welcome to
Joyland Montessori School
“Education is the most Powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.
“ Compulsive education in school could at times be outdated and sometimes not practical. Children are great imitators so we as parents and teachers should give them something great to imitate. We at Joyland Montessori School with our motto “ EXPLORE AND LEARN” help each child to grow up in a very special way. The first step a child takes matters a lot, the first word a child speaks is very important, so in the same way , the first school you choose for your child will definitely leave an everlasting impact on the child’s development. We at JOYLAND endeavour to provide an environment for the overall development of young minds and train them to be useful citizens of tomorrow. We also believe that a HAPPY child will always learn better so HAPPINESS as a part of our curriculum makes learning funfilled and creative for our kids. Montessori Education brings out the best in each child and allows them to express themselves more creatively and enables the child to reach his/her full potential.

- To provide an environment for the overall development of a child.
- To inculcate morals in a child through practical learning.
- Make our children self reliant.
- Make learning fun with funfilled and creative activities.
- Focus on a Happy Childhood.
A child starts schooling at the age of 2+. What the child has learnt at home with parents matters a lot. Children at this age are imitators and have a very good sense of observation. A lot depends on good parenting, We counsel parents at the time of admission. Any walk in Enquiry for admission is guided with tips of parenting which will help the child to settle down in Pre school.
Separation Anxiety
When a small child enters his/her school age , parents start searching for a school. Finding the right school matters a lot. Once the child starts going to school, the parents specially the mother and the children undergo Separation Anxiety. Learning will take place only when the child accepts the school as a second home and the teachers as their mothers.
We at Joyland try to make the first experience of education memorable for kids as well as parents. A child will never start learning with books in a routine way. Today education is not just the curriculum but the overall development of a child. We cater to children from the age group of 2+ to 8+. Right now we have classes from Pre-Nursery (Joyplay) to Class -3rd and will be adding one class every year
Awareness about surroundings
- Introducing basic colours (Red , Green , Blue , Yellow) with activities and games and also helps them to relate a particular colour to objects and things around us.
- Recognition of Alphabets with Phonic sounds. Relating the phonic sounds to things and objects around us.
- Recognition of Numbers (1 -5) and help them to relate it to things and objects around us.
- Recognition of Fruits , Vegetables , means of transport , Animals , shapes. (Children are introduced to these things through activities and games.)
- We also focus on the vocabulary of the child through activities like Show and Tell , Recitation of Rhymes.
- Dance and Sports are also an important part of our curriculam.
- Once the child develops a good Pincer grip we introduce Strokes(joining of dots)
Details of Curriculum
We follow the Montessori concept Piaget, Waldrof, Reggio Emilia and blend it with the CBSE syllabus. Joyland kids adapt well to the syllabus along with activities to enhance their gross fine motor skills.
Pre –Nursery (Joyplay)
When a 2+ baby comes to us the first step is to create a bond with the child. Learning will take place once the child is comfortable with the environment.

Syllabus for Joyplay
First step towards learning
Knobbed Cylinder Activity
This activity helps a child to develop sense of touch and space , better Pincer grip and also enhances Fine and Gross Motor skills.
Scribbling is a very important phase for children between the age group of When a child learns to walk his/her feet should be strong. In the same way before a child holds a crayon or a pencil his/her Pincer grip should be proper. For a firm Pincer grip we have various activities which will help to strengthen the Hand Muscles and help in developing the Fine Motor Skills.
Sand Play as a first step towards learning……
Instead of sand we will use Semolina as it is safe for our children.
Student learning outcome
We at Joyland Montessori School “ A first step towards learning” cater to children who are 2+.
We try to give them an environment where the child feels Secured and Happy. A Happy child will always learn better. “ Happiness” is also a part of our curriculum. We make learning Fun for kids. As they move a step further the learning outcome is clearly visible in every child. They become confident in all sphere i.e curriculum , co curricular activities , sports and games etc. Repeated stage exposure and participation in various competitions which are conducted from time to time inculcate in them Leadership qualities. We also make them aware about our History and Culture . By celebrating our festivals we connect them with our culture and help them to create a bond with our relations and country .
For the overall development an better Learning outcome we have various Labs and Clubs in our school.
• Montessori Lab
Montessori kids are creative , innovative and imaginative…
We have various Apparatus and Activities for the development of Fine and Gross Motor Skills. Various Mental Aptitude games are introduced to enhance the intelligence of a child.
• Language Lab
Language play a very important role in education. We have a language lab where we help our kids to focus on both languages equally i.e English and Hindi. We try our best to make our kids comfortable orally as well as in writing of both languages. Various competitions and Story Telling sessions are very important part of our language lab .
• Health and Fitness Lab
A Healthy child will always learn better. We have medical records of all children. Parents are guided from time to time about the health fitness of the child. We also conduct Health Camps at regular intervals.
Celebrations at Joyland
We at Joyland never miss a chance to celebrate festivals and occasions with our kids. These celebrations help our little ones to connect with our culture and heritage. These become the basis of long lasting joy for children joy. let us peep into into celebrations at Joyland……